About Me

A picture of me where I don't look too uncomfortable.

About Me

My earliest passions were books and music, art that allowed me to expand my horizons and experience, at least on some level, the world through others' eyes. I found my third passion in the internet. Nowhere else could I explore as easily, learn as readily, connect as eagerly. For a long time, I gave all credit to what I found there for shaping the person I became, but as the internet changed in the last decade, I have become more and more aware of how affected I was by the shape and function of the network itself.

Studying English in college, I focused on examing the ways in which form dictates the terms of our experience with content--is, really, content in itself. My interests in coding are the same: user experience, but more than that the structures that store, catalogue, and surface information to be experienced. I am interested in databases, in data analytics, in what we can learn from what our devices learn about us. In sum, I remain as much as love with learning as I have always been, eager to challenge myself and eager to find new ways to think and to create.

(206) 450 1913